How to Plan for an International Trip

by | Sep 27, 2022

Are you planning on traveling abroad?

Going on an international trip can be very exciting, but the planning process can also be overwhelming. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve done it. When you don’t take the time to sit down and plan out your trip, you might encounter a few unpleasant surprises that can lead to stress, unexpected costs, and even regret. If you’re not into that, and you want to have the best trip ever, get ready to do some planning.

In this guide, we’re sharing with you how to plan for a memorable international trip and tips to make your vacation stress-free and something you can write home about.

Four major steps to take when planning an international trip

Preparing for an amazing trip abroad can be divided into several small parts, but these can be categorized into four major steps:

Defining your ideal trip

To start planning for your ideal international trip, you must identify what the “ideal trip” looks like to you.

Think about your priorities, hobbies, and interests, and what you would like to experience in the country you’re flying to.

Are you interested in indulging in delicious foods, or are you looking for more physical activities like cliff diving or hiking?

Once you’re set on what an ideal trip looks like to you, it can be easier to build an itinerary around it. Start planning with your ideal trip as a reference or a goal.

Do your research

The internet is filled with information about anything in the world, including the place you’re going to. Read travel blogs, watch vlogs, browse Pinterest and Instagram, and don’t forget to read guides and recommendations on places to eat and stay. Research all the famous activities you can try out yourself.

List down the things that interest you and come back to them later when it’s time to work on your itinerary.

Organize your trip

Once you’ve done your research, start organizing.

From listing down your itinerary, booking accommodations, to preparing your documents and booking tickets, this step is the most crucial. Make sure you don’t miss anything during this part of your planning process. You can use excel sheets, to-do lists, checklists, or even productivity apps from your phone.

Achieving your goal of traveling abroad!

Finally, the last step is flying to your destination and enjoying it as best as you can. Your experience during the trip is heavily determined by how well you did the previous step.

If you fail to organize your international trip properly, you might end up spending more money or wasting precious vacation time.

How to plan an international trip

To avoid mishaps or unpleasant experiences, begin your trip with careful planning.

Here’s how you can plan an international trip so all you’ll have to do at your destination is enjoy.

Choose Your Destination

Choose Your Destination

Chances are you already have a place in mind when you started reading this article. But if you’re still deciding where to go, it’s best to investigate and compare the countries or places you’ve always wanted to visit.

Take into consideration what activities or cultures you’ve always wanted to experience. If you’re particularly interested in white beaches, for example, you can search the best white beaches online and choose from there.

On the other hand, if you’re interested in history, you can also pick out destinations with important historical sights.

To decide better, keep a list of the places you want to visit and narrow down your choices as you continue your research.

Travel Budget and Daily Expenses

Travel Budget and Daily Expenses

Another important step in planning your international trip is establishing a budget. Your budget will determine where you can afford to go and what you can do during your stay.

Overseas travel can be very costly, although this may vary from country to country. Establish an amount you are willing to spend and organize your trip based on your set budget.

You can also try the reverse method of establishing your budget. Research how much it’s going to cost to travel to your chosen destination. Look up how much a typical meal costs and what the hotel or airbnb rates are. Include other expenses such as transportation and various fees.

Once you’re done, set this estimated travel cost as your budget.

When to travel

Your trip date depends on factors such as when you’re free, and when the best time to visit a country is. Seasons and holidays are usually considered when planning a visit. Some countries like Bali or the Maldives look the most beautiful during summers while some places are known to be gorgeous during spring and autumn

Before booking your flights, check your destination’s weather and climate because it will definitely affect your activities and your experience as a whole. If you have the privilege of flying anytime, pick out dates or months where you can enjoy the most activities.

You can also consult travel groups where you can ask for tips and advice about traveling to a specific country. Chances are, experienced travelers who have visited the same place will give you useful tips for free.

Book your tickets

Book your tickets.

When you’ve decided where and when to go, it’s time to book a flight.
Flights can be expensive. So if you want to cut down on costs, don’t forget to compare flights from different airlines to get a better deal.
Check your documents

Check your documents

You cannot book a flight let alone enter a country without your documents, so be sure to prepare them way ahead of time.

Below are some of the most important documents you will need when flying to a different country:

  • Passport
  • Insurance Policy
  • Flight Tickets
  • Visa (if applicable)
  • Reservations
  • Drivers License
  • Credit Cards/Cash
  • Other documents you have

Plan your activities

Plan your activities

This is probably one of the most exciting parts of planning your international trip. Research and plan your activities, writing down your itinerary and how much each activity costs. This will act as your schedule so you can be sure that no time is wasted during your trip.

If you’re visiting a country for several days, check out what other travelers did for fun and see if these are activities you’d also like to experience. If you are traveling solo and wish to share the experience with other people, find Roam Trips community members who might be interested in joining you.

Plan out accommodations

Plan out accommodations

Once you’ve decided on a destination, when you plan on going, and what activities you want to do, plan out and book your accommodations as well. You will want an accommodation that’s not only comfortable but also accessible and within your set budget.


Booking a hotel or a resort is an obvious and common choice. You can book them through hotel booking sites or through their official website.

Vacation Rental

Vacation rentals are properties such as apartments, houses, or condominiums that you can rent short-term. This is a great option when you intend on staying in the area a little longer for cheap.


Hostels are a popular choice for people traveling on a budget or solo travelers who wish to meet new people. Hostels are cheap and a great way to socialize since these accommodations offer sociable lodging such as dormitory-type rooms.

Decide on Transportation

Decide on Transportation

It’s not always that you have to book local transportation for an international trip. However, it definitely helps to research the mode of transportation in the country you’re traveling to. Study how locals and tourists get around and check how much they cost. You can also ask your hotel what they suggest to be the best way to get around the area.
Call your bank and credit card companies

Call your bank and credit card companies

Banks and credit card companies do their best to protect you from identity theft. This is why you should not forget to notify them before you travel that you will be flying overseas and will be using your cards there. Otherwise, they might tag your transactions as suspicious and prevent you from using your card.

Plan for unexpected costs

Having a set budget does not mean you won’t spend more than what you planned. Don’t worry. This happens to the best of us. To prepare for unexpected costs, set aside extra money you can use.
Remember to set aside extra money in cash as well. Some places only accept cash so it’s a good idea to have it exchanged to the local currency.
Get travel insurance

Get travel insurance

Imagine losing your baggage during your flight or getting your flight canceled or delayed. That can cost a lot of money. Travel insurance protects you from unexpected losses that are out of your control. Some travel insurance plans also include medical coverage in case you get sick during your trip.

Learn some phrases in the local language

Learn some phrases in the local language

Not only is learning the local language fun and convenient for when you get to your destination, it also adds to your experience of the culture. Take the time to learn basic greetings and phrases that can help you navigate through a new place. These can be as simple as a “Hello,” “Please,” or “Thank you,” or they can be as practical as asking for directions and the like.

Download apps that help you learn the language or, when you don’t have enough time, refer to Google Translate for fast and easy translations.

Other things to consider when traveling abroad

Other things to consider when traveling abroad

Before you get too excited for your international trip, take the time to add these extra steps to make your trip abroad safe and stress-free.

Emergency Contacts

Not all countries use 911, so it is important to familiarize yourself with the emergency contact numbers you need abroad, whether they’re to call an ambulance, the police, or the fire department.

Be Aware of Cultural Differences

Remember that you are most likely going to experience a culture that is very different from your own. Take the time to study their culture and practices so that you experience it better and avoid disrespecting it. Some places have dress codes and some have specific rules everyone, including tourists, must follow.

It might be unfamiliar to you, but the point of traveling abroad is to get to know, immerse, and enjoy traditions or cultures that are unique to their country.

Buy a Travel Guidebook

If you’re not a fan of collecting hundreds of travel resources from the internet, you can also buy a travel guidebook. Travel guidebooks are written by professional travel writers and are a good resource for discovering places that not many tourists visit.

What to pack

Of course you wouldn’t be ready to travel without your stuff, so start packing away. Besides your outfits, these are some of things you can to your traveling essentials list:

  • Passport/Identification
  • Wallet/credit cards
  • Chargers for your
  • Electronics
  • Travel adapters
  • Small first aid kit
  • Water bottle
  • Medication

Decide on a Phone Plan

International phone plans can be very expensive. To save on costs, you can get a local sim card or rent a pocket WiFi device as soon as you land. Many airports have this so it’s easy to get. This will give you unlimited access to the internet without spending a lot of money on roaming fees.

Getting ready for your international trip

Whether you are traveling alone or with someone else, a fun trip abroad is always exciting. Things can go south, however, with poor planning, so it’s best to prepare in advance for your trip. If planning gets overwhelming or if you simply just do not know where to start, you can  explore travel groups through Roam Trips and even create your itinerary on the same platform for a seamless, stress-free trip.
Join discussions and share itineraries with other travelers. You can also even find companions you can split costs with if you’re interested in traveling the world with other people.