Solo Travelers Guide

by | Nov 16, 2022

Solo travel is a growing trend.
Many people enjoy solo travel because it gives them the freedom to do what they want and see what they want without having to worry about anyone else’s opinions or preferences.
There are also some definite drawbacks to traveling alone, but overall it can be an incredibly rewarding experience that can help you grow as a person.

Benefits Of Solo Travel

Solo travel is a great way to do some self-discovery, gain fresh perspective on the world around you, and learn about yourself through trying new things.
If you’re the type of person who likes to be in control of your own destiny and have no problem being by yourself for extended periods of time then solo travel may be right up your alley.
This can also be an opportunity for couples or friends to experience something new together without having to share everything with each other at all times!


When you travel alone, you have the opportunity to get away from everything else and focus on yourself. You’ll get to know yourself better and learn about things that you didn’t even know about before.

It’s also a great way to learn about other cultures without having anyone else around who may judge what you like or dislike about them.

Fresh Perspectives

Traveling by yourself gives you fresh perspectives on situations that would otherwise be lost if there were others around all the time telling their opinions on every little thing that happens in life.

You’ll pick up new ideas and see things from different angles as well as how people interact with each other in different places. This is an experience that can’t be matched by anyone else’s opinion or point of view because it’s yours alone!

Overcoming Challenges

While traveling alone is easy on some days, it can also be challenging at times because there are no other people around to help when something goes wrong or there’s an emergency situation that arises unexpectedly.

While this can be scary at first, it also teaches us how to overcome our fears and face difficult situations head-on without worrying about what other people think about.

Trying New Things

When you go on a trip with friends or family, they might not want to do everything that you want to do. With solo travel, there are no rules and you can do whatever you want!

As long as you are safe and taking care of yourself, then go ahead and try that new activity or explore those places you have always wanted to visit!

Connecting With People From All Over The World

Another great benefit of traveling solo is that it gives you more opportunities to connect with other people from all over the world. If you’re traveling in a group (even if it’s just two people), it can be hard to strike up conversations with strangers because people tend to stick together.

Boosts Your Confidence

It’s important to have confidence in yourself and your abilities. Being able to travel alone shows that you have the courage to explore new places and overcome any obstacles along the way.

How To Make Traveling Solo Fun

How To Make Traveling Solo Fun

Traveling solo can be a great experience, but it’s not always easy. The key to having fun is to be prepared and have the right mindset.
Here are some tips for making your trip great:

Pick A Focus For Your Trip

If you’re traveling alone, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the things you want to see and do. It’s important to have an overall focus for your trip so that you don’t get overwhelmed by all the choices available.

Whether it’s food, culture or nature — decide what you want your trip to be about and plan accordingly.

Take A Guitar With You

If there are languages involved in your travels, why not try learning some of them? Or take up another instrument like ukulele or flute? Learning new skills when traveling is a great way to make new friends as well as learn about a different culture through music and language.


Podcasts are an awesome way to learn about new cultures while being entertained on long bus rides or train rides! There are podcasts available in almost every language so you can learn about another country’s culture without reading anything!

This is especially useful if you have limited time in one place and need an introduction before heading off on adventures!

Go On A Tour

Traveling solo doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. If you’d like a little company, consider joining a tour group or signing up for an organized adventure like hiking, biking or even skiing. You’ll meet new people and have someone to share your stories with at the end of the day.


Journaling is a great way to document your trip and reflect on what you’ve learned along the way. You’ll be able to look back on your notes when you’re feeling nostalgic about your travels, too.

Portable Hobbies

If you’re staying in one place for longer than a few days, consider bringing along some portable hobbies such as knitting or reading so that you have something to do when there aren’t any scheduled activities available.

Immerse Yourself In Local Culture

Immerse Yourself In Local Culture
If you’re traveling solo, there’s no better way to immerse yourself in local culture than by staying with a host family or homestay. You’ll get a real feel for what it’s like to live in another country, rather than just visiting as a tourist.

Travel Alone… With Others

Solo travelers often find themselves meeting other solo travelers — either at hostels or on tours — who are also traveling on their own. This can be great because they know what it’s like to be in your shoes!

Be Flexible And Say Yes To New Experiences

Some people prefer to travel with groups of friends or family members because they feel more comfortable when they’re not alone all the time. But solo travelers should embrace their independence.

The Downside To Solo Travel

The Downside To Solo Travel

Solo travel can be a great way to see a new place and enjoy the experience of being on your own. However, there are some downsides to solo travel as well.

You Have No One To Share Expenses With

If you’re traveling with friends or family, then you can split up the costs of your trip. But when you’re traveling alone, everything falls on your shoulders — including expenses like transportation and accommodations.

This can get expensive quickly, especially if you’re staying in more expensive areas like big cities or popular tourist destinations.

You Don’t Have A Photographer

If you’re traveling by yourself and want to take pictures, you’ll need to rely on strangers for pictures of yourself or hire a photographer (which isn’t cheap).
For example, if I’m walking through an airport alone and want a picture taken of me in front of an airplane or something else cool, I have no one to ask except for a stranger who’s willing to help me out.

It Can Be Lonely At Times

While this isn’t always true, sometimes being alone can make you feel lonely or isolated — especially when you’re far away from home and have no friends in town or family nearby for support if something happens.

It’s important to get used to being by yourself before embarking on a long-term trip so you know what works for you and what doesn’t when it comes to solo travel.

You’re 100 Percent In Charge Of Making Plans

You have to take charge of your own safety and well-being, even if that means doing things like checking into hotels by yourself or making reservations at restaurants without assistance from someone else in your group.

It may seem like a lot of extra work, but once you get used to doing things yourself, you’ll find that it actually helps save time overall because you won’t have to wait around while others finish up their tasks before everyone can move on with their day together as planned!

Is Solo Travel Safe

Is Solo Travel Safe?

You can travel solo safely. Although it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions, it’s equally important to not let fear keep you from going out there and exploring the world on your own. Solo traveling is a great way to meet new people, learn more about yourself, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

When planning for a trip, decide which destinations are most appealing for whatever reason (history? culture? adventure?). That way, when you’re actually there doing research at that site or museum or whatever else interests you about the place, feeling overwhelmed won’t be an issue because you already know what it is that drew you in the first place!

Best Places For Solo Travelers

Best Places For Solo Travelers

For the solo travel enthusiast, here are some of the best places you can go:


Iceland is one of the most popular destinations for solo travelers because of its stunning natural beauty, friendly locals, and affordable prices. There are many affordable hostels scattered throughout this country.

New Zealand

New Zealand is a wonderful destination for solo travelers looking for adventure and excitement. The country offers plenty of activities for those who want to relax, such as hiking and biking through the breathtaking landscape or relaxing on one of its many beaches.

New Zealand also has plenty of cities and towns to explore, providing culture and entertainment options for those who want more than just the outdoors.


Barcelona is another popular destination for solo travelers looking for adventure and excitement. This vibrant Spanish city offers numerous options for those who want to explore on their own, including walking tours through its historic center.

Barcelona also features many festivals throughout the year that bring together locals and visitors alike in celebration


Thailand has a lot to offer for everyone in terms of beaches, culture and food. There are also many different types of accommodation available so it’s easy to find something that suits your budget. The country also has great nightlife if you want to meet other people while on holiday.


Another popular destination for single travelers is the Philippines because there are plenty of things to do here. There are many resorts where you can relax on a beach or in a pool while enjoying drinks or cocktails at night. This place also has beautiful islands that you can visit if you want some adventure in your trip.

Paris, France

Paris is one of the most romantic and beautiful cities in the world. It has been the backdrop for many movies, books, and paintings. The city is full of history and culture, and there are many museums to explore.
Paris is also known for its architecture, which includes some of the most famous buildings in the world. The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous landmarks in Paris and can be seen from any point in the city. There are many other attractions that make Paris a great destination for solo travelers.

Solo Travel Safety Tips

Solo travel is a great way to meet new people, see new places and have an adventure. If you’re planning a solo trip, here are some tips to keep yourself safe while traveling solo

Don’t Reveal Your Travel Plans To Strangers

It is always better to keep your travel plans a secret from strangers. This way, if someone does manage to get information out of you, there is no way they will know where exactly you are going or when.

Research Your Destination In Advance

Always research the area where you are staying before arriving there. Find out details about the neighborhood, transportation routes and any nearby tourist attractions so that if anything goes wrong, you will have an idea of how to handle it.

Take Extra Precautions When Staying In A Hotel Or Hostel

When staying in hotels or hostels, always make sure that someone knows where you are sleeping at night. It may also be a good idea to ask them if they offer any safety tips for solo travelers who plan on exploring the city during the day time hours.

Have Emergency Contact Numbers

If you’re going to be in a country for more than a week, you should consider getting a local SIM card for your phone. This way, if something does happen to you, emergency services can find you easily.

You should also make sure that someone back home knows where you are and what time you expect to call them, just so they don’t worry unnecessarily when they don’t hear from you right away.

Trust Your Gut

If something just doesn’t seem right, trust your instincts! If someone wants to meet up with you in person before agreeing on a deal over email or phone call (or vice versa), don’t do it! Get as much information as possible about your seller or host before agreeing on anything.

Try To Blend In With The Locals

Solo travelers often stand out because they’re alone and sometimes look lost (even if they’re not). Try as much as possible to blend in with the locals by wearing clothes that look like what everyone else is wearing in that area of town and by talking with them if possible.

Is It Fun To Travel Solo If You’re Shy?

If you’re the kind of person who is shy and doesn’t like being around large groups of people, traveling solo can be a great option for you. You don’t have to worry about what anyone thinks or feels about you or your actions because it’s just you!

There will always be other people around but they don’t need to know what goes on in your mind unless they ask questions.

If this sounds like something that could help with your anxiety levels, then why not try it? You never know what amazing things might happen while traveling solo if it’s something that interests you.

Is Solo Travel Worth It?

If you want to learn more about yourself, meet new people and experience new cultures, then yes.

If you’re looking for an amazing travel experience without having to share a room with someone who snores or has different sleep schedules than yours, then yes.

Solo travel is also a great way to save money on your trip by sharing rooms with other solo travelers and splitting tours cost with them as well (you can even make some friends along the way).

Take the Trip

Solo travel is a great way to explore the world, meet new people, and try new things. It’s also a good way to learn about yourself and your interests.

If you’re thinking about taking up solo travel as a hobby or even just one trip, then we would love to help! We have tons of resources on this blog that can show off how fun it is and what an amazing experience it can be.

If you intend to tour the world, Roam Trips enables you to compare different routes, connect with other travelers, and take advantage of a remarkable community of globetrotters.